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American Cockroach Extermination

American cockroaches have three developmental stages: egg, nymph, and adult. Females produce an egg case (ootheca) which protrudes from the tip of the abdomen. On average, females produce 9-10 eggs. After about two days, the egg cases are placed on a surface in a safe location.

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pest control
Ghost Ant Extermination

The Ghost Ant or Tapinoma melanocephalum are recognised by their dark head and pale or translucent legs and abdomen. This coloring makes this tiny ant (1⁄16 of an inch, 1.5 mm) seem even smaller.

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How to Deter and Control Slugs in Your Garden

Nothing compares to enjoying time in your backyard garden — until you notice the familiar squish of a slug under your feet. Slugs are mollusks that do not have a shell, are brown or grey in color, and love to feed on several types of plants, fruits, and vegetables.

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acrobat ants
Acrobat Ants: A Unique Florida Pest

Ants may be the best-known of all pests. They have songs about them, story books about them, and entire aisles full of products intended to get rid of them. One reason ants are so common is that there are just so many varieties — different species suited for different climates.

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gypsy moths
What You Need to Know About Gypsy Moths

The gypsy moth, sometimes known as the European gypsy moth, became a prominent pest in the United States after its introduction in the 1800s. While these moths may look pretty, they are also quite destructive. They threaten trees throughout the country, decimating large groups of foliage in a single season.

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