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Lawn Care in Parrish
Taking care of your yard shouldn’t be a hassle. Southern Greens provides quality lawn care in Parrish, so you can have your dream yard without putting your busy schedule on hold. We bring expertise from our Bradenton lawn care services to enhance your Parrish lawn care. At Southern Greens, we don’t just keep the lawn manicured, we also provide soil and root care to keep your lawn’s ecosystem healthy year-round.
Our lawn care in Parrish includes:
- A detailed inspection of your yard to make note of grass species, what insects are present, etc.
- Complete fertilization to prevent poor soil.
- Weed control to keep annoying vegetation away.
- Insect control to keep turf-damaging insects away like grubs, slugs, and fire ants.
- A proactive approach to treatment to keep your lawn protected against diseases like fairy ring, dollar spot, brown patch fungus, and more.
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Get Rid of Common Lawn Pests in Parrish
No matter how well you fertilize and protect your yard, common lawn pests can burrow and eat away at your lawn and poison your surrounding plants. Southern Greens understands that quality lawn care in Parrish means keeping your yard healthy and free of invasive pests.
The most common lawn pests we treat for in Parrish includes:
- Sod Webworms: whose larvae feed on turfgrass.
- Chinch Bugs: whose poison quickly kills surrounding plants.
- Mole Crickets: who burrow deep into the soil and eat at the lawn.
Fertilization in Parrish
Your lawn needs more than just sunlight and water to thrive. Fertilizer is the last piece of the puzzle, giving grass the nutrients it needs for strong growth, deep green hue, and resilience. Our fertilization services will bring your lawn to the next level, upping the curb appeal of your entire home!
Lawn fertilization in Parrish will benefit your turf by:
- Supplying key nutrients needed for growth.
- Preventing disease in your lawn.
- Enriching the soil to better support your grass.
- Enhancing the color of your lawn.
- Elevating the curb appeal of your home.
- Promoting a resilient lawn that better withstands hurricane season.
Weed Control in Parrish
With the amount of rain we receive in Parrish, it’s understandable that weeds can be hard to control. As soon as you think you’ve gotten rid of them with sprays and pulling them by hand, they’re back again with a vengeance. Don’t fret, or continue to spend countless hours in your yard only for the weeds to return. Instead, trust the experts at Southern Greens. With over 32 years of experience, we guarantee that our weed control services in Parrish will make your lawn weed-free without the additional stress!
When you partner with Southern Greens for weed removal, you can expect protection from:
- Dollar weed
- Nutsedge
- Oxalis
- Chickweed
- Beggarweed
- And many more!
Guaranteed Lawn Care in Parrish
At Southern Greens, we expect the best from ourselves and it’s that attitude that forms the bedrock of our entire approach. If you aren’t happy with our lawn care in Parrish, contact us and we’ll be back to perform all necessary treatments at no additional cost to you. Don’t settle for anything short of the results that you deserve and let us go to work for you!