Managing Lawn Diseases in Florida


For homeowners across Southwest Florida—from Anna Maria Island to Sarasota—maintaining a lush, green lawn amidst our unique climate conditions can be challenging. Lawn diseases, exacerbated by high humidity and warm temperatures, are common issues in this region. Here are some helpful tips on prevention and treatment strategies tailored to our area.

Common Lawn Diseases in Southwest Florida

Dollar Spot: This disease appears as circular, silver-dollar-sized patches of dead grass. The disease is caused by fungal pathogens that thrive in high humidity and warm temperatures. Regularly mowing your lawn and watering early in the morning can help prevent Dollar Spot. Learn more on how to identify dollar spot fungus.

Dollar Spot Fungus Example

An example of dollar spot fungus.

Brown Patch: Typically affecting St. Augustine grass, Brown Patch causes large, irregular brown areas. This fungal disease is particularly aggressive in warm, humid conditions. To manage it, avoid over-fertilizing and ensure proper irrigation practices.

Helminthosporium Blight: Found frequently in Southwest Florida, this disease results in sunken, brown patches. Improving air circulation by proper lawn spacing and avoiding heavy, wet conditions can minimize its impact.

How To Prevent Lawn Disease

To prevent these diseases, adopting a combination of proactive lawn care practices is essential. 

Regular Mowing

Regular mowing is crucial in maintaining a healthy lawn and preventing disease. By keeping your grass at the recommended height for your specific type, you reduce the risk of stress and disease. For instance, setting your mower to the proper height in Bradenton and Anna Maria Island helps minimize the impact of diseases like Brown Patch. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass height at once to prevent stressing the lawn.

Proper Irrigation 

Proper water practices are equally important. Overwatering can create conditions conducive to fungal growth. To combat this, water your lawn early in the morning, allowing the grass to dry before evening. This practice is particularly relevant in high-humidity areas like Sarasota and Apollo Beach. A well-timed sprinkler system can ensure even coverage and prevent waterlogging, which exacerbates disease issues.

Balanced Fertilization 

Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to avoid nutrient imbalances that can weaken your grass. Over-fertilizing, especially with high nitrogen levels, can promote diseases. Applying the right fertilizer at the correct times of the year supports a robust lawn and minimizes disease risks.

Choosing The Right Grass Type

Choosing disease-resistant grass varieties can significantly impact your lawn’s resilience. Opting for grasses like St. Augustine or Zoysia, known for their disease resistance, can reduce maintenance and improve overall lawn health. These varieties are well-suited to the local climate and can withstand common diseases better than others.

Improving Air Circulation

Improving air movement around your lawn helps prevent fungal infections by allowing moisture to evaporate quickly. In densely populated areas like Bradenton and Parrish, trimming overgrown areas and ensuring adequate spacing between plants and trees improves airflow and reduces the likelihood of disease development.

How To Get Rid of Lawn Disease

When prevention isn’t enough, and lawn diseases take hold, addressing them promptly is key. 

Fungicide Application

Fungicides are often necessary for managing diseases like Dollar Spot and Brown Patch. Select a fungicide suited to the specific disease affecting your lawn, and follow the application instructions carefully. Targeted fungicides can effectively manage disease outbreaks and restore lawn health in areas like Holmes Beach and Ruskin.

Natural Lawn Fungus Remedies

For those preferring a more eco-friendly approach, organic remedies such as neem oil or compost tea can be effective. These options provide a natural way to combat fungal infections without harsh chemicals, making them ideal for environmentally conscious homeowners in Anna Maria Island and Sarasota.

Cultural Practices

Implementing cultural practices can also aid in disease control. Removing thatch buildup, which can harbor pathogens, and rotating grass types or overseeding with disease-resistant varieties are practical strategies. These measures help disrupt the disease cycle and promote a healthier lawn.

Professional Lawn Care Services

In cases where diseases are widespread or persistent, seeking help from professional lawn care services can be beneficial. Local experts familiar with Southwest Florida’s conditions can offer tailored treatments and ongoing maintenance plans. Consulting your local professionals at Southern Greens Pest Control ensures that you receive personalized lawn care that addresses the specific needs of your lawn.

Protecting Your Lawn From Turf Diseases

Managing lawn diseases in Southwest Florida requires a proactive approach combining prevention and treatment strategies. By following these guidelines, homeowners in Anna Maria Island, Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, and beyond can keep their lawns healthy and vibrant despite the challenges of our local climate. With the right care, your lawn can thrive, adding beauty and value to your home throughout the year.

For more tips and tricks, contact our team of local lawn care professionals. They can help identify, treat, and protect your grass from a wide variety of lawn diseases.


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